Cotton? Silk? Nylon? Polymide? Ummm what? How do you decide what type of fabric you’d like when it’s hard enough just choosing a style!
So I thought I’d do a quick rundown of the 5 most popular types of tulle that you will find around. Like your wedding gown, there are a few things that you should consider when choosing fabric. Apart from the style of the veil, also think about how it will compliment your gown, the style of wedding you are having, if you are going to leave it in all night or take it out and finally if it’s going to be long be prepared for some work! I could rave on for another five blog posts about tulle, but i wont bore you, so I have tried to keep it short. But I’m always happy to answer any other questions that you might have, it doesn’t matter if its good or bad!
Of course tulle is the most popular choice, and the most widely available. It can be relatively inexpensive or the most expensive! And if you think that there isn’t that much of a difference, then I hate to break it to you, there is! Cheaper varieties with be the ones that all brides say they don’t want! It’s one of the first things I always hear; I don’t want scratchy tulle! So how do we avoid this? It all comes down to quality my dear! Tulle can be made from silk, cotton, wool, polyamide, polyester and nylon to name a few. Most veils will be made from some sort of polymide, polyester or nylon. The scratch factor will come from the quality and size of the filaments/threads used to produce the fabric and the weight/weave used. So for example, a soft tulle will have much smaller holes so more threads, which means it will have more weight and drape softly not creating volume. I like brides to touch and try on veils, if you can always get a sample of what your veil will be made from. You can never tell from a picture if it will be just what you are after. As always don’t be shy to ask questions, it is often something that other brides have also asked before you!
Bridal Tulle: This type of tulle is used to create volume in a veil (but can be cut sheer with no gather too). If it’s cut with gather at the crown this can give you a nice little bit of volume (or a lot!). Most brides get scared that they will look like something from the 80’s and shy away from this type of veil. But it can be cut in a beautiful way that gives you just enough to keep it from falling flat across your hair and face. That’s why it is great to have something made custom for you, it will be made for you with your style and taste in mind. Bridal tulle is used a lot in tulle skirts and gowns as it gives you a really nice soft shape and finish but will hold its shape. Most of the veils I make out of this are to match tulle already in gowns, but some styles will lend well to this type of look. It is one of the ‘tougher’ tulles, being able to withstand some pulling/catching without necessarily tearing or getting pull lines. Looks great in most styles, soft but doesn’t have a lot of weight. Like I mentioned before, it has body so will sit away slightly from you and your gown.
Soft Bridal Tulle: This tulle will have very fine holes, so a slightly heavier weight to it. But it is still very light. I find this to be the most popular type of tulle at the moment. It has a beautiful draping quality, and when gathered it will give you a soft, floaty style. Looks great in most styles, can’t be used to achieve any volume like Bridal tulle. Will give you amazing pictures as it floats beautifully in the breeze! It is not as hardy as Bridal Tulle, it can get caught if you are getting photos outside but it is a good in between type. Just be careful that nobody steps on it as it can stretch and get pulls easily.
Silky Tulle: This tulle has the same look as Silk Tulle but is generally made from a polyester or nylon. This tulle will give you the same type of look as real silk tulle but without the price tag. The weight of the tulle gives it a beautiful draping quality, so again no volume. This means that it will fall very close to you and gather together. It looks great with a lot of gather, as a short or long veil. And can even be used in cap style veils to create a soft flowing look. Like all tulles that are this weight, it is delicate and fine. So this means that you will probably end up catching and pulling it if you have a long veil, you may need to lift it up when you are outside or walking around in between photos. One of my favourites to create draped style veils with, its perfect for this!
Silk Tulle: This my friends is the crème de la crème of tulle! It is just divine to work with and the one that makes most brides get excited about veils! Being silk, it does come with a much larger price tag, not only due to it being silk but it requires delicate handling. It has beautiful weight to it, (so no volume) and when worn as a blusher it is still translucent but not as much as other types of tulle. Be aware that as this has a very fine, soft texture it is very easy to catch or pull. So, if you are choosing a Cathedral or longer veil be prepared that it will not make it to the end of your wedding day unscathed. Having said that, it is AMAZING! So, don’t be deterred if this is what you are after. It looks great gathered, with several tiers, as a cap veil or sheer cut with a blusher too.
Flocked/Hail Spot/Point D’Espirit: These tulles will have some form of spot, whether it be applied felt or woven into the pattern. It can come in a few different types; bridal or soft tulle are the main variations. The ones that I have are somewhere near bridal tulle, so they are soft but have a bit of body too. The will stand up to a bit of pulling/catching on your day, so they may make it out relatively clean and free from holes! They look great as short veils, like fly away or fingertip but can also be made into beautiful long Cathedral veils. Maybe your looking for something a little different to go with your dress or your dress might be plain with no detailing, this could be the one for you!
So that’s a quick run down of the main types you will find. Of course, it’s not ALL of the types I use, but unless you are after something really different this should cover you! Don’t forget if Tulle isn’t your thing, then there are other fabrics out there that make just as amazing veils. I’ll go into those next time xx